The goal of this workshop is to explore the possibility of a common conceptual framework capable of unifying research on compositionality across disciplinary and methodological boundaries.
To achieve this goal, the workshop will be a forum for discussion with leading researchers in developmental and cognitive psychology, human and systems neuroscience, and AI. The speakers will share their latest research and engage with the following inter-related outstanding questions:
- How to evaluate whether a system is compositional? What is the smallest interesting test case for compositionality?
- What are each discipline's most recent empirical findings that can help build a shared understanding of compositional systems?
- What neural mechanisms underlie compositional cognitive processes?
- Is compositional thought implemented via one domain-general system or multiple domain-specific systems? What are its representational and architectural prerequisites?
- Is there a risk that a generous definition of compositionality makes it too universal to be useful?
You can find the submitted proposal here.

University of Birmingham

Central European University


Sainsbury Wellcome Centre, UCL
Online Session: Compositionality in Mathematics and Nonlinguistic Reasoning
We will anticipate the CogSci conference with a preliminary online session focusing on compositionality in Mathematics and Nonlinguistic Reasoning.
The online session will
- CEST UTC+2 (Rotterdam, Paris, Berlin, Warsaw): 17:00-19:15
- BST UTC+1 (London): 16:00-18:15
- UTC-4 (Boston, New York): 11:00-13:15
- UTC-7 (San Fransico, Los Angeles): 8:00-10:15
- UTC+8 (Beijing): 23:00-01:15
We will send the link to the virtual seminar on June 25th. Use this form to register.
Times below are given in Central European Standard Time:





U. of Birmingham
In Person Session
The in-person session will take place on
8:30 Doors open | |
8:45 Welcome | |
Frameworks for Compositionality | |
9:00 Compositional generalization through meta-learning neural networks, Brenden Lake (40 min + 15 min QA) | |
9:55 How do our brains order syntactic and semantic computations when no order is imposed from the input?, Liina Pylkkänen (40 min + 15 min QA) | |
10 minutes coffee break | |
Compositionality in Cognition | |
11:00 Zero-shot compositional reinforcement learning, Akshay Kumar Jagadish (Eric Schulz) (20 min + 10 min QA) | |
11:30 Non-linguistic compositionality in 9-month-old infants, Isabelle Dautriche (20 min + 10 min QA) | |
12:00 The human brain compresses information in memory using a Language of Thought, Fosca Al Roumi (20 min + 10 min QA) | |
1h lunch break | |
Compositionality in Brains and Neurons | |
13:30 A cellular basis for mapping behavioural structure, Mohamady El-Gaby (20 min + 10 min QA) | |
14:00 Towards the neural underpinnings of compositionality, Hanqing Wang (Alla Karpova) (20 min + 10 min QA) | |
14:30 The control of sequence working memory in macaque frontal cortex., Liping Wang (remote) (20 min + 10 min QA) | |
15 minutes coffee break | |
Compositionality in AI | |
15:15 Reusing action sequences for efficient planning, Noémi Éltető (20 min + 10 min QA) | |
15:45 Proposing experiments and acquiring concepts using language and code, Kevin Ellis (20 min + 10 min QA) | |
16:15 General Panel Discussion |








Chinese Ac. of Sciences

